Justin C. Gruelle
Justin Gruelle, son of Richard B. Gruelle and younger brother of Johnny Gruelle, was my uncle and mentor. In his memory, I have collected paintings, sketches, photos, his scrapbook and archives and am using this blog to share information about his life and work. ~Paul William Smart
Friday, July 22, 2016
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Their California Years….and The Afterglow
GRUELLE, 1889 – 1978
GRUELLE, 1887 – 1974
Outline for talk by Bill Smart,
Alpine California Historical Society, February 17, 2014
Gruelle Family of Artists, living in their shadows
B. Gruelle (1851 – 1914) Justin’s father and mentor, Hoosier
Group of Painters,
The Canal – Morning, 1894, Indianapolis
Art Museum,
Author, Notes:
Critical & Biographical, Collection of W. T. Walters
Johnny Gruelle
(1880 – 1938) Justin’s older brother, creator of Raggedy Ann
and Andy books and dolls. Justin added color to early
drawings, painted doll faces, illustrated five
books after Johnny’s death.
Prudence (Grue) Gruelle
Brown (1884 – 1966) Justin’s older sister, author,
Meadow Folks Story Hour, vaudeville
circuit, “Singing Cartoonist”
Justin C. Gruelle (1889 – 1978) See
“Justin C. Gruelle” blogsite, The Indiana, New York and Silvermine,
Connecticut Years, Bill Smart’s outline for talk at New
Canaan Historical Society, February 26, 2010.
October 1954, Recently retired and westward bound
Tired of Connecticut snow-bound winters, Mabel and
Justin Gruelle drove to Indianapolis to visit family and friends and on to Sedona, Arizona to visit grandchildren.
November / December, 1954
They rented an apartment in Altadena, California near international headquarters, The Theosophical Society and Press, Pasadena.
Gruelle had earlier been president of their Silvermine Connecticut lodge. He
created drawings in color, black and white for a children’s book, Once Round
The Sun, painted a portrait of Theosophical Society Leader Colonel
Arthur Conger, and printed a silk-screen image of their headquarters building.
January / June, 1955, Justin’s Early Birds mural moved
to California
Gruelle’s history of early aviation mural, commissioned
in 1940 by Clarence deGiers, for
the lobby of Liquidometer Corporation, Long Island City, NY, was being presented to western headquarters,
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, Los Angeles. DeGiers asked Gruelle to paint an additional panel for the mural
and supervise its installation. DeGiers and Gruelle had been friends since 1917 when
they worked together in the advertising
art department of Kelly-Springfield Tire Company, NY.
Artist Justin
Gruelle and wife Mabel were asked to extend their California visit for recognition at Fifth International
Aeronautical Conference Banquet, Los Angeles. Executives of aviation-related companies praised his unique
artistic and technical skills.
to December, 1955
“We went back to Connecticut and sold our Silvermine
property.” Mabel's note card.
27, 1955, First awareness of Alpine, California
At a
farewell luncheon in New York Bill Smart encouraged his aunt and uncle to investigate Alpine where he had a
memorable visit in 1946 after discharge from the U.S. Navy.

January 1956, Their Move from Connecticut to Alpine
returned to California to find a home. In less than a week we had decided on this place in Alpine which we love
and were moving before the month was out”. This is the view from the north side of our place and the whole underside is Justin’s
studio, workshop and dark room.“ Mabel Brown Gruelle, Christmas
card, 1956.
August 2,
1957, two murals, History of Naval Aviation (Gruelle on the right)
“A pair of 7’
x 12’ murals were hung yesterday in the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences Building at 3380 North Harbor
Drive. They depict early days of naval aviation. They are being displayed as part of the national aviation week
meeting here next week. The murals
present a graphic picture of old naval aircraft and some of the pioneers. Gruelle painted both of the murals
in a little more than six weeks. He said it usually takes him about six months to paint murals of this
size.” San Diego
Evening Tribune
Building was later
closed, murals moved to an unknown location, probably in California?
1957, The Mythology and History of Flight , sketches for proposed Air and
Space Museum murals
of west coast aviation manufacturing companies were impressed with Gruelle’s technical and artistic
skills in creating the Early Birds and History of Naval
Aviation murals. They
encouraged him to do research on the mythology and history of flight and create designs for decorative mural
panels for a proposed National Air and Space Museum, for Washington, DC or on the West Coast.
Gruelle did extensive historical research and created pencil and chalk sketches for five mural panels for the proposed museum.
August 29, 1958, portrait of Major Rueben H. Fleet unveiled
In May, 1918 Major Fleet was the first pilot to fly
U.S. mail by air, from New York to Washington, DC. Gruelle’s portrait of Convair
Corporation CEO was on view at Rueben
H. Fleet Aeronautical Library, Institute of Aeronautical Sciences branch, North
Harbor Drive, San Diego. When the San
Diego building was closed, the painting was moved
to San Diego Air and Space Museum, Balboa Park.
1959, Stations of the Cross Paintings for Queen of Angels Catholic Church, Alpine
Justin Gruelle had strong religious and spiritual beliefs. Although not Roman Catholic, he and the local priest became good friends and had long discussions about how artists through the ages had interpreted Jesus Christ, his life, death and resurrection. Gruelle painted near-life-size images of his version of the 14 stations of the cross as his contribution to the new community church. The priest contributed masonite panels and paint. Family members and locals served as models.
June 4, 1961, El Cajon Valley News
paintings picturing scenes in the life of Jesus have a depth of intensity and
color not seen in the
painter’s other work. They
go from light to darkness and back again; they have no beginning and no end; they are limitless in time and space.
This is beauty balanced with the quality
of creation."
“Of all Gruelle’s self-termed‘impersonal record keeping this is probably the portion of his work that will be remembered longest. It is his
only venture into the field of religious
art.” Jean Hedger
/ 1965, serigraph / silk-screen printing, Mabel and Justin Gruelle cottage industry
Greeting note cards with views of Alpine include 2
views of Catholic Church, 2 of Community
Church, downtown Alpine, Women’s Club and Victoria Rock. San Diego views include Balboa Park, Father Junipero
Serra Mission Museum and his statue.
1960, Annual La Mesa Foothills Art Association Membership Show
Gruelle won first prize for a portrait painting.
12, 1960, Tea honoring Gruelle at La Mesa Fine Arts Center
“The artist’ s work now on display includes
landscapes and winter scenes painted
near his former home in Connecticut and in mountain country near Alpine. Watercolors, oils, and pastels are his media. Portraits
are shown in the one man show and a
self portrait is included.”
10, 1967, Letter from Justin Gruelle to Bill Smart
“In the last
letter from Dr. Paul Garber (Assistant Director, Smithsonian National
Air and Space Museum, Washington) he spoke of future decorations for the new Washington Air and Space Museum building. He mentioned
the series of pencil sketches and research
that I had done on the history of flight in 1957, which he liked extremely well.”
original research and detailed pencil and chalk sketches were sent to the Smithsonian and their receipt was acknowledged. They were never used, never returned
and there is no record that they existed. Photo copies and notes survived.
12th, 1970, Gruelle's Early Birds mural
added to collection of Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC. Rolled-up canvas shipped by Railway Express from California to DC.
“The transfer of
ownership of the “Early Birds” panel has finally taken place and the
painting is now in the
National Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian. That a piece of Gruelle family ‘handiwork should
become a part of the Smithsonian collection is a pleasant thought." Justin Gruelle
10, 1970, Letter from E. W. Robischon, National
Air and Space Museum
“At long last we
have finished the restoration of your mural and placed it on display in the National Air and Space Museum. The
photograph is taken from a position under Lindberg’s
airplane while the Wright Flyer is suspended ahead of Lindbergh’s airplane and
to the right. The Early
Bird mural is therefore in the most prominent spot of the museum.”
31, 1970, Justin Gruelle letter to Bill
“The Early Bird organization held
their yearly reunion in Washington this year and a number of group pictures were taken in front of our “brain
child.” We feel that
all this is a nice New Year’s
present given to us.”
September 16, 1971, Justin Gruelle Letter to E.W. Robischon, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
“I have
your letter with its thought of me doing some future panels to go along with the Early
Bird painting. My physical capacity and artistic expertness for doing a serious mural painting is no longer with me.
What a wonderful project this would have been if I were twenty years younger! But I fear old father Time
can’t lesson my eighty two years.”
Removal of Mural to Storage
its 1970 - 1971 exhibition at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, the Early Birds mural was placed in
storage awaiting Congressional appropriations to construct a new Air and Space Museum on the Mall.
Grand Opening of new Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington
When it opened in 1975 the Early Birds mural was not on display. It had disappeared from sight and from their records. Repeated inquiries in person and in correspondence confirmed that there was no record of its existence in the current museum collection or archives and no record of what had happened to it.
Sale of Liquidometer Corporation business and buildings in New York and Vermont
No information was available to
Gruelle as to disposition of his three remaining 1940’s American Scientists and Inventors murals in the lobby of
Liquidometer Corporation, Long
Island City, New York. An 18’ x 7’ photo copy of the Early Birds panel
had replaced the original
canvas when removed in 1955. There was no information on the four 1950’s landscape murals in Liquidometer’s
manufacturing facility in Bellows Falls, Vermont.
Gruelle’s 8 Works Progress Administration 1936 – 1938 murals in schools and
libraries of Norwalk, Connecticut moved to storage
Six Mark Twain murals, Aladdin
and his lamp and Chinese Nightingale murals awaiting funds for conservation, restoration
and relocation.
Little Red School House, New Canaan, CT closed. Five WPA murals out-of-sight
Future disposition of Gruelle’s five
Aesop’s Fables 1936 WPA murals in question.
1975, Aristotle Quotation WPA Mural in New Canaan High School Library
for possible restoration and placement in a new building addition.
God’s Acre Mural, New Canaan Green, 25’ x 8’ 7”
Commissioned in 1952 by Union Trust Bank, later First
Union Bank, and then a restaurant. Plans
announced to close the bank, to be occupied by
a restaurant, with removal of mural with unknown future.
May 1974, Death of Mabel Brown Gruelle in Alpine
Her hand-painted china is on view in museums and
private collections. Cremains interred in Gruelle Family plot, Crown Hill
Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana, no marker.
January 2 – 3, 1978, Final Visit with Justin in San
Diego, living near daughter Jayne
had called from New York during the 1977 holidays to wish his uncle good health
in the new year. Gruelle said that he would be reaching his 89h year
in July, and added, “It will soon be time to pass-over.” Smart made an
immediate air reservation to fly to
On January 2nd, 1978 they drove through Old Town to see
the Mission and statue of Father Juniperro Sierra drawn on Gruelle’s silk-screen.
Later he signed print 52 of the San Diego mission , “For Bill, With deep
affection.”They visited San Diego Air
and Space Museum in Balboa Park to view the Major Fleet portrait. They drove
along the Pacific Ocean and watched the lingering afterglow of colors from a
beautiful sunset as the sky changed to reveal a galaxy of stars in the universe
Gruelle showed
Smart his archival scrapbooks with photos, clippings and recollections of a lifetime of creative works.
Gruelle was disappointed that so many of his
murals and other works were “lost” or no longer on view. He emphasized his satisfaction that he had the vision and the
pleasure of creating them. Smart promised
his uncle that he would make every effort to continue to search for his favorite Early
Birds mural and other “presumed lost”
art works.
Before Smart left for NY Gruelle presented him with his last canvas, painted
from his workshop / studio in Alpine,
in the Valley” with mountain views.
February 22, 1978, Major Fleet Portrait destroyed in
museum fire
Gruelle was saddened to learn that his prized portrait painting was “lost” in a devastating fire at San Diego Air and Space
Museum in Balboa Park.
April 20, 1978, Death of Justin C. Gruelle in San
His cremains are interred with no marker at
Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana
in the Gruelle family plot
next to his wife, Mabel and parents, Alice and Richard
B. Gruelle.
AFTERGLOW: The Legacy Continues
1995, Early Birds mural, lost from view for 25 years, discovered
at Dorchester County Museum, Cambridge, MD by nephew Bill Smart and wife Diane.
It had been
de-accessed from the National Air and Space Museum Collection and was located
high on a wall of an old airplane hangar on the former Francis DuPont estate, now property of the
University of Maryland.
2002, Early Birds presented to Smart
After several visits to photograph the mural President Dale Price and his Museum Board offered to give the mural to
Smart in order to find an appropriate
and more permanent home before the final closing
of the museum. Smart contacted
several museums. Indiana Historical Society,
Bruce Johnson, VP, agreed to pay for removal and shipping to Indianapolis for December 2003
exhibit of The First 100 Years of Flight.
2003, exhibition at Indiana Historical Society,
Exhibited in lobby during 100th anniversary
celebration of Wright Brothers’
first flight, (Wilbur had been born in Indiana). It then went back to storage awaiting results of a fund raising
campaign. cover story, Traces magazine, Spring, 2003. Article had
widespread distribution on internet.
McGaw Foundation, Seattle. WA requested IHS to loan or
sell mural for exhibition at Museum of
Flight, Seattle. Smart agreed to transfer.
2006, extensive conservation and restoration at
Indianapolis Museum, paid for by McGaw Foundation with shipment to Seattle.
November 2007, permanently installed at
Museum of Flight in Seattle
History of Aviation Gallery, Boeing Red Barn Wing.
1998 Justin
Gruelle’s archival scrapbooks viewed
again by Smart 20 years later
daughter, Jayne Gruelle Comerford, Bandon,
Oregon presented scrapbooks to her cousin
to add to his JCG archives and collections.
“You will know what to do with these.”
2001, Eight Justin Gruelle W.P.A. murals.
Restored and exhibited in Norwalk, CT City Hall
Gallery and libraries.
2009, - 2010 New Canaan, Connecticut Historical Society Galleries.
Exhibit of Justin
C. Gruelle and family art . Bill Smart
invited to speak about the Silvermine years of the family. See previous blog
80th Anniversary edition, A Mother Goose Parade,
written / illustrated by JCG.
edition of original 1929 P. F. Volland Company children’s book published for
distribution during New Canaan Historical Exhibit, September, 2009 until
February, 2010. Gruelle’s original pencil drawings with color were on loan from
Baldwin Library of Children’s Literature Collection, University of Florida,
Gainesville. Books available from museum book stores or from nephew Bill Smart,
December, 2011, Donation of Diane and Bill Smart Collection
of Justin Gruelle’s Connecticut
paintings, illustrations and silk screen prints to City of Norwalk, Connecticut.
Now on exhibit in City Hall Galleries alongside Gruelle’s
W.P. A. murals. See “Norwalk
Thanks Bill Smart” interview, December 17, 2011 Justin C. Gruelle
2013, GRUELLE’S 25’ x 8’ mural of New Canaan Village
Painted in 1952 for a New Canaan bank. Had been removed
when property sold and stored at New Canaan Historical Society. Now
restored and permanently installed at
New Canaan High School.
![]() |
Igor Sikorsky and the invention of his helicopter |
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Giant telescopes on Mount Palomar and the electronic microscope |
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American scientists and inventors |
5, 2013, Re-discovery of 3 of Gruelle’s Liquidometer
1940s “lost” murals in New York State by Bill Smart and daughter Anita.
Igor Sikorsky and his
invention of the Helicopter, Telescope on Palomar Mountain and Electron Microscope, and American Inventors and
Scientists. Awaiting decision of
current owners of building purchased from Liquidometer in 1971 as to their future. A new entrance
lobby had been opened on an adjacent street. Original lobby stairwell with four large murals functions as an
interior stairwell, poorly lighted, between
3 floors of the building. Still missing are
four Liqidometer landscape murals
originally installed in their manufacturing plant in Bellows Falls, Vermont, believed to have been given
to employees when building was sold
in 1971.
February 17, 2014, Alpine Historical Society,
Bill Smart was invited to talk, with power-point
presentation, about later works of
Justin and Mabel Gruelle during their California years, 1955 -1978. It
was a follow-up to Smart’s February, 2010 talk to New Canaan Historical Society about Gruelle’s Silvermine
Years that ended in 1955 with their move
to California.
There are still lost pieces and the search for
other works continues…
for more information, contact Bill Smart at pwmsmart@gmail.com
Interview with Bill Smart
The Lost Gruelle - Found
Friday, October 22, 2010
JUSTIN C. GRUELLE, 1889 - 1978
Justin C. Gruelle was born in Indianapolis, July 1, 1889, the son of Alice Benton and Hoosier Group Painter, Richard B. Gruelle. The aspiring young artist painted portraits and landscapes with encouragement from his father and older brother Johnny, creator of Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy. Justin received formal training in drawing, painting and photography at John Herron Art Institute and The New York Art Student's League.
Between 1910 and 1955 the professional art career of Justin Gruelle centered around New York City where he was known for his detailed landscape paintings and colorful illustrations of products for advertising, magazine covers, movie posters, sheet music and books. He was commissioned to create family portraits, and eventually large corporate murals that combined his many talents. Justin's book Mother Goose Parade with fanciful illustrations was published in 1929 to great reviews. His home / studio was in Silvermine, the artist's colony along the river between Norwalk, New Canaan and Wilton Connecticut, where earlier he, his father and brother had been part of The Knockers, an artist's group that was the precursor of the Silvermine Guild of Art.
During the great economic depression Gruelle was commissioned to research and paint fourteen murals for the Federal Art Project of the WPA, Works Progress Administration, between 1935 and 1940. Six of these large murals are displayed outside the Mayor's office at Norwalk City Hall. One of his triptychs can be seen in the Norwalk Art Museum and another at Norwalk Public Library. There are five Gruelle WPA paintings in the Little Red Schoolhouse Museum, New Canaan Historical Society, and one large mural with twenty-four portraits in the library of New Canaan High School.
Wide acclaim for his large WPA paintings led to commissions for Gruelle to research and paint eight large murals for The Liquidometer Corporation, Long Island City, between 1940 and 1954. The Early Birds, an 18' x 7' oil painting on canvas, features seventeen portraits of aviation pioneers including the Wright Brothers and over twenty early aircraft against a visualized background of how the earth might someday appear from outer space. The painting was formerly in the collection of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C. After a three year exhibition at The Indiana Historical Society it has now been permanently installed at The Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington.
In 1955 Gruelle and his wife Mabel moved to Alpine California in the mountains east of San Diego. They designed and printed a collection of silk screen prints and note cards to reveal the beauty of their new home town. Justin was fascinated with nature and created a series of oil paintings to capture the ever changing effect of light and shadows on the mountain landscape. Gruelle, a theosophist, created fourteen large paintings depicting The Way of the Cross for the new Queen of Angels Roman Catholic Church, his contribution to their Alpine community in 1959.
He died on April 20th, 1978; his ashes are interred in the Gruelle family plot at Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis.
Paul William Smart, May 1, 2009 Ask/ART http://www.askart.com/askart/g/justin_c_gruelle.aspx
During the great economic depression Gruelle was commissioned to research and paint fourteen murals for the Federal Art Project of the WPA, Works Progress Administration, between 1935 and 1940. Six of these large murals are displayed outside the Mayor's office at Norwalk City Hall. One of his triptychs can be seen in the Norwalk Art Museum and another at Norwalk Public Library. There are five Gruelle WPA paintings in the Little Red Schoolhouse Museum, New Canaan Historical Society, and one large mural with twenty-four portraits in the library of New Canaan High School.
Wide acclaim for his large WPA paintings led to commissions for Gruelle to research and paint eight large murals for The Liquidometer Corporation, Long Island City, between 1940 and 1954. The Early Birds, an 18' x 7' oil painting on canvas, features seventeen portraits of aviation pioneers including the Wright Brothers and over twenty early aircraft against a visualized background of how the earth might someday appear from outer space. The painting was formerly in the collection of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C. After a three year exhibition at The Indiana Historical Society it has now been permanently installed at The Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington.
In 1955 Gruelle and his wife Mabel moved to Alpine California in the mountains east of San Diego. They designed and printed a collection of silk screen prints and note cards to reveal the beauty of their new home town. Justin was fascinated with nature and created a series of oil paintings to capture the ever changing effect of light and shadows on the mountain landscape. Gruelle, a theosophist, created fourteen large paintings depicting The Way of the Cross for the new Queen of Angels Roman Catholic Church, his contribution to their Alpine community in 1959.
He died on April 20th, 1978; his ashes are interred in the Gruelle family plot at Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis.
Paul William Smart, May 1, 2009 Ask/ART http://www.askart.com/askart/g/justin_c_gruelle.aspx
JUSTIN C. GRUELLE, 1889 -1978
JUSTIN C. GRUELLE, 1889 -1978
His Early Years
July 1, 1889
Justin C. Gruelle was born in Indianapolis, the youngest child of Alice Benton and esteemed Hoosier Group Artist Richard B. Gruelle
At an early age, I began to experiment with my father’s paints, canvas and brushes. This must have been a great nuisance for him, but I can't recall him ever complaining about this misuse of his precious art supplies.
In addition to being taught the basics of painting in oil by his father, Justin learned drawing techniques from older sister, Prudence and brother, John, both successful illustrators and cartoonists.
Justin attended Public School #15 and graduated from Arsenal Technical High School at age seventeen.
1906 - 1907, The Gruelle Family’s Move to New York City
Although not considered a permanent move Mr. and Mrs. Gruelle rented their Tacoma Avenue home for one year and moved to New York City so that Justin could experience the art world and Prudy could study music.
John and Myrtle had married and were living in Cleveland at the time of our move to the east coast. He was sport and political cartoonist for The Cleveland Press.
I can only conjecture as to why this move to New York was made. I believe that R.B.G. felt the need of a little artistic rejuvenation and that he realized a visit to Manhattan, with its art galleries and museums would contribute to my aesthetic development. For by this time, it was quite evident that I was going to follow the family tradition and become an artist. My father and I haunted the art galleries and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, uptown in Central Park.
Prudence had been taking vocal lessons for several years and no doubt our parents felt that New York would stimulate her future progress in music.
The family occupied the spacious sky-lighted apartment and studio in a four-story walk-up building on 23rd Street, just west of Sixth Avenue, Manhattan.
One of our neighbors who had a studio near us on Twenty-Third Street was Addison T. Millar. He was a native of Ohio and was an excellent painter and etcher. The Millars and Gruelles became good friends.
The Millars bought some acreage in Silvermine, Connecticut and built a studio home there. It was through them that we heard of this beautiful area, forty five miles north of Manhattan.
1908, Return to Indianapolis
The Gruelle Family returned to Indianapolis to enable Justin to have more formal training in photography and classes with Hoosier Group Artists Otto Stark and William Forsyth at The John Herron Art Institute, now part of Indiana University.
My most interesting activity in Indianapolis during the next year was the months spent in William Forsyth's life drawing class at the John Herron Art Institute. Forsyth, while primarily a landscape painter, was a fine instructor in drawing from life, and it was a valuable experience.
1909 – 1910 school year in New York
I spent the winter of 1909 again in New York and entered George Bridgeman’s life drawing class at The Art Students’ League. Bridgeman was a superb teacher and one of the best that the country has produced. Those months were invaluable to me.
Among the Hoosier artists living and studying in New York at the time was Albert Matzke, an early student of R.B.G. He later married Prudence and became one of the family. Albert had great artistic talent as a boy, and my Father had encouraged him to develop this latent ability. Albert spent several years studying at the Art Students League and later became an instructor at that venerable art institution.
Mr. Millar told us of some land next to his property in Silvermine that was for sale. Albert, Prudence and I went up to Connecticut the next weekend to inspect the place. Folks used their legs to get from one spot to the next. The old Blanchard mill was several miles from the end of the Winnepauk trolley and the long walk from there was expected and enjoyed. We were delighted with its possibilities, so in 1910, the Gruelle Family became the owners of this old New England home, mill and sixteen acres.
The one hundred year old house was typically New England with its small rooms and low ceilings, altogether a quaint and lovely place with a kitchen extension and storage shed. A narrow stairway led to the upper floor where there were three small bedrooms. The sixteen acres, on both side of the river were wooded with fine old trees.
Across the road from the house was the old Blanchard Furrier Mill, a substantial building of two stories plus the basement room. This contained the water turbine. A small steam plant was located on the right side in an extension to the building. We used the upper rooms as studios for R.B. G., Albert and myself.
The windows of the back rooms overlooked the mill pond and water fall. There was always the lovely sound of running water. At the end of the road was the crossroad to New Canaan on the left, and to Wilton on the right, over a small bridge.
July 1 to 4th, 1910
The Gruelle Family and friends of Justin C.Gruelle celebrated his twenty-first birthday with a picnic, swimming, fishing and fireworks at their newly purchased home and art studios along the Silvermine River. Johnny and Myrtle came from Cleveland for a vacation visit and later decided to move to Silvermine. They lived in the old mill studios while their new home was being built along the pond above the Wilton Road Bridge, where Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy were created.
1910-1917, "The Knockers at Silvermine
Justin, his father R.B.G. and later Johnny were part of a group of painters living and working in Silvermine, known as "The Knockers". They gathered for weekly critiques of each other's work and held annual exhibitions, the precursor of The Silvermine Guild of Artists.
At Mr. Borglum’s studio each Sunday morning artists of the colony meet, bringing work of the week for mutual criticism. An annual exhibition attracts many visitors from neighboring cities.
In the last exhibit Mr. Gruelle’s youngest son, Justin Gruelle, had the honor of the first sale. His painting, “The Old Homestead,” was highly praised, and a great future is predicted for him as a landscape painter.
The Indianapolis Star. March 6, 1911
1913, Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Gruelle returned to their Indianapolis home.
Following a stroke R. B. Gruelle died in November, 1914 at age 63
1917, Justin married Mabel Claire Brown, Indianapolis, Indiana
She studied art and graduated from Manual Training High School. She studied china painting and taught classes in Indianapolis, New York, and Norwalk, Connecticut.
1917 – 1926, Kelly Springfield Tire Company, Manhattan
Justin was an illustrator in the art department, doing magazine covers, posters and is known for a series of full page advertising illustrations used in Broadway Theater Playbills. The head of the art department was Clarence deGeirs, who later commissioned Justin to do eight murals for his Liquidometer Company.
1924 Daughter Jayne Hildegard born in New York City
1924 - 1925 Dream home / studio
Justin and his wife, Mabel designed and built their dream home / studio on Yew Lane Seir Hill overlooking Silvermine valley, where they continued the annual July 4th picnic gathering of family and friends.
1927, son John Paul Gruelle born
He studied photography and worked as a career baker with Pepperidge Farms.
1929, A Mother Goose Parade
This children's book was written and illustrated by Justin C. Gruelle, and published in 1929 by The P.F. Volland Company, Joliet, Illinois. The frontispiece illustration shows his wife Mabel, son John Paul and Jayne Hildegard holding a Raggedy Ann doll in front of their Yew Lane home with Mother Goose looking on. The book was well reviewed but never had a second edition because the company went out of business during The Great Depression.
Original pencil drawings have been preserved at The Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature, University of Florida, Gainesville. An 80th Anniversary facsimile edition has been published by the family to accompany The Gruelle Family Art Exhibit at The New Canaan Historical Society.
1932, Theosophical Society
Justin and Mabel were students of Theosophy and Justin served as President of the Silvermine Lodge and Mabel taught instruction classes.
1933, Winter in Miami
Justin and Mabel and their children, along with Mrs. Gruelle, spent the winter with brother Johnny and Myrtle at their home on Miami Beach. Justin painted water colors, oils, a self portrait and an exceptional portrait of his mother with hand carved frame.
1934 -1936, Connecticut WPA Artist
Five large Mark Twain murals were painted in 1935 - 1936 under the auspices of The Federal Art Project of the Works Progress Administration for Norwalk public schools. They have been restored and are prominently displayed in the Norwalk City Hall lobby, as part of the nation's largest collection of WPA murals.
When the Great Depression struck the country in 1933 and the W.P.A. was established, I did three mural projects for the art section. The Aladdin and the Lamp painting was placed in the Children’s Room of the South Norwalk Library. The Chinese Nightingale triptych is in The Norwalk Public Library.
1936 New Canaan Schools
A large oil panel, 19’ x 4’, is on the wall of The Wagner Room of the New Canaan High School. It has twenty-one portraits of historic figures surrounding a teacher image and two students with the quotation from Aristotle, “All Who Have Meditated On The Art of Governing Mankind Have Been Convinced That The Fate of Empires Depends on Education of Youth.”
Five Aesop’s Fables were painted for the walls of the historic Little Red School. They have been restored and on view at New Canaan Historical Society.
Shortly after they were finished, my own art work picked up again and I was able to get off the government project.
1938, Death of older brother, Johnny
Justin was hired by the publisher to illustrate five unpublished Raggedy Ann and Andy manuscripts, Raggedy Ann and the Golden Butterfly, Raggedy Ann and Betsy Bonnet String, Raggedy Ann in the Snow White Castle, Raggedy Ann’s Picture Book and Raggedy Ann and Mr. Hoppy Toad.
1939 - 1940 New York World's Fair
In collaboration with New York celebrity artist Clara Fargo Thomas Justin helped paint three major murals for the U.S. Steel Corporation, IBM and Westinghouse Pavilions. He also collaborated with her in a large sailing ship mural for her home on Mount Desert Island, Maine.
1940, Lobby Murals for The Liquidometer Corporation
Clarence A. deGiers, President of The Liquidometer Corporation, Justin’s former boss at Kelly Springfield Tire Company, commissioned him to paint four large murals for the lobby of his Long Island City headquarters and four smaller murals for their manufacturing plant in Bellows Falls, Vermont. Only one of the eight is known to exist.
The Early Birds
This 18 feet x 7 feet mural on canvas has seventeen life-size portraits of some of the men who made aviation history and their aircraft. In the Spring of 1955 the canvas was removed from the lobby wall, replaced with a photomural and presented to the Western Headquarters of IAS, Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences, Los Angeles, later moved to San Diego.
In November 1969 The Early Birds was presented to the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. A letter from Mr. Robischon to Justin Gruelle stated, "The mural has finally come to its permanent resting place of honor beneath Lindberg's Spirit of St. Louis."
1970 to 1995, Out of Sight and Presumed Lost
When the National Air and Space Museum moved into its new building the mural, mainly because of its size, did not fit into any present or future exhibition plan nor any available storage facility. The Early Birds mural was loaned to Dorchester County Heritage Museum, Cambridge, Maryland and deaccessed to them in 1980. In 1995 its location in an airplane hangar was discovered by nephew Bill Smart. The mural was presented to him to find a permanent home, and is now installed at The Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington.
Late 1940's to mid fifties
Justin worked in the art department of R.K.O. Pictures (United Artists) and Walt Disney Productions and commuted by train into Manhattan from South Norwalk. He Illustrated movie posters and cartoon stills. He painted a series of historical corporate portraits for Barnes and Nobel Book Company and had many other commissions for portraits from his Silvermne studio.
Mabel Brown Gruelle was a creative painter of sets of dinner china and taught china painting classes with her own kiln for use of her students. The Gruelles created a series of silkscreen Christmas and note cards and continued living and working in their Silvermine studio/home until 1956.
Part of the winter was spent near Sedona, Arizona, and Altadena, California, where Justin added new sections to The Early Bird mural and illustrated children’s books for the Theosophical Press.
1956 Sale of Silvermine Home and Move to California
Justin had painted a 6’ by 9 ½’ wall map of the historic Silvermine area surrounding their home mounted above the fireplace in their large living room studio with twelve foot ceiling. When the house was sold they left the mural for the new owners who later presented it to The Norwalk Art Museum. It is now permanently installed in the conference room and is used to illustrate talks about the history and development of Norwalk for tour groups.
His California Years. 1956 – 1978, Alpine, California
Mabel and Justin established their west coast studio/home on Lilac Lane, Alpine, CA, with majestic views of mountain valleys. Justin died in 1978, pre-deceased by Mabel. Their cremated ashes are interred at Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, in the Gruelle Family plot.
Outline for a presentation on February 26, 2010 at New Canaan CT Historical Society
during the Gruelle Family art exhibit
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